Black Church Matters: A Community Conversation

On November 17th, come join the Green the Church community as we explore the role of the church in social change movements at Black Church Matters: A Community Conversation.

Tuesday November 17, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Church by the Side of the Road, 2108 Russell St., Berkeley, CA. 94705


What's the role of the church in the social movements of today?

The Pope set a powerful example for global faith communities this September. His environmental encyclical supercharged the climate movement! Is the Black Church heeding this call to action? What is our call to service? 

Now more than ever, our communities need the leadership of the church on issues ranging from joblessness and educational disparity to police violence and the environment. How can we take our place at the front of these movements?

Join a dynamic community conversation with some of Alameda County’s leading religious figures to discuss how we can step into our power for the Black community and for all communities. With recent policies in the state (SB535) driving investment in many low income communities, and ever expanding opportunities to shape these conversations, can the Black church drive this change in the Bay Area?

Moderator: Rev. Ambrose Carroll, Co-founder of Green The Church
Featured Speaker: Vien Truong, Green For All Director

Father James V. Matthews, Christ the Light Cathedral
Bishop J.W. Macklin, Glad Tidings Church of God and Christ
Rev. Dr. Jaqueline Thompson, Allen Temple Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Charlie Hames Jr. Beebe Memorial CME Church
Bishop Sean Teal, New Hope Baptist Church, Moderator of H&FM

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  • commented 9 years ago
    I’m grateful to discover this powerful, needed conversation about the Black churches movement in today’s social issues. I would like to see more unified strategic Pastoral leadership to grasp this concept of educating their members on how to be effective from stepping out of the pews,into outreach ministry of real love,real economic debt training, teaching people to walk in God’s favor, and financial overflow thru Wisdom, and Knowledge

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