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Green for All announces new program for businesses

Posted by Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins at Aug 18, 2009 03:45 PM |

I am pleased to announce Green For All's Capital Access Program. The Capital Access Program (CAP) brings our work for an inclusive green economy directly to the private sector. CAP engages businesses and nonprofits - large and small - to create, sustain, and scale green jobs. We're kicking off CAP's public launch with two premier resources: a guide and a webinar on how businesses and nonprofits can access Recovery funding to create green jobs.

Green for All announces new program for businesses

I am pleased to announce Green For All's Capital Access Program.

The Capital Access Program (CAP) brings our work for an inclusive green economy directly to the private sector.

CAP engages businesses and nonprofits - large and small - to create, sustain, and scale green jobs.

We're kicking off CAP's public launch with two premier resources: a guide and a webinar on how businesses and nonprofits can access Recovery funding to create green jobs.

» Download the Guide

Sign up for September 9th Webinar.

Register Now

More Information:

Title:  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: A Webinar for Small Businesses and Nonprofits

Date:  Wednesday, September 9th

Time:  1 pm Pacific / 4 pm Eastern

This webinar is co-hosted by Green For All, Tides Center, Association for Enterprise Opportunity, and Green America.

Other ways to get involved:

Sign-up to receive the
Capital Access Program E-Newsletter

We'll occasionally send you important opportunities, resources, and news to help your business or nonprofit create, sustain and scale green jobs.

Learn more about CAP on Green For All's web site.

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Posted by WAMarley at Aug 18, 2009 06:08 PM
As long as the blood sucking utilities are still in existence, we'll never go green and this is all hyperbole !

Whether the utilities are using solar, geo-thermal, wind, gas or oil we still get exponential rate hikes every six months !

Energy independence means that I have my utility in my back yard.
We don't even have net metering in Ok. AEP/PSO charges over $1000.00 for a two way meter ! They will buy my energy for $0.0089 per KwH and sell it back to me for $9.00 per KwH.
Until you do something about the no good sorry bastards that run, and the boards that regulate the utilities, you're pissing up a rope, and you are as culpable as they are !
\All you psudo-do-gooders can just pound sand !

Utility Prices

Posted by William G. Harris, Sustained Energy Systems at Aug 19, 2009 10:16 AM
The gentleman who said:
"Whether the utilities are using solar, geo-thermal, wind, gas or oil we still get exponential rate hikes every six months! Energy independence means that I have my utility in my back yard."
He is so right. I have technology that is more advanced since 1979. My device is a The Self-Sustained Generator. It uses no fuel or outside input. Nor any of the natural renewable resources mention above. Self-Sustained. Self-Contained. But up to now I haven't got anyone to fund it or take a serious look at it.
So, I've started Sustained Energy Systems to get it done thru raising funds in other eco-friendly areas which are: Sustainable technology, community development and education. If anyone wants to join me. Please contact me,, ph:816-446-5657 Passion and Determination are the only requirements.

up the rope

Posted by Dave Crowlie at Aug 20, 2009 03:26 AM
yeah, I know the utility companies and their corroborators, the "commissions", are evil. I'm gonna build their PV arrays and watch carbon get taxed, then build some more arrays, and watch the prices of a kWh go way up, then install conservation. I sure am not going to work at Come & Go and try to save up for a solar hot water heater.

More FOCUS please !

Posted by Erik Feldman at Sep 08, 2009 12:11 PM
If we freak out, then our message shall not be heard.

The utilities do what they do because WE allow it. Surely your utility can't sell you $9/kWh electricity. Easy there cowboy! What measures have you done in your home to cut your consumption? Have you taught anyone about how to shrink carbon footprint? By the way, pseudo is a loaded word, so in the very least . . . let us spell it right. Now, do you want change? How much energy do you use each billing cycle? What is your profile oil/natgas/elec/solar/etc? Have you done a site specific analysis to see what YOU can do? Let's not obscure the goal with ranting.

technology or program needed

Posted by RUTH KANTOR at Aug 22, 2009 03:37 PM
More and more medication-delivery patches are being made available. The residue of these get into our landfills and water sources and are polluting those who are getting these substances into their systems.
  Can some smart company or organization come up with a way to safely collect and destroy them, please!
