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Life as an Ambassador

Posted by Cassidy Cannon, College Ambassador at Nov 10, 2010 12:00 PM |
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I am a junior marketing major at Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina, where I also serve as the Vice President of External Affairs of Student Government Association. This year, I became a Green For All College Ambassador, which I am very excited about because this opportunity introduced me to a whole new world on my campus.

Life as an Ambassador

I am a junior marketing major at Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina, where I also serve as the Vice President of External Affairs of Student Government Association. This year, I became a Green For All College Ambassador, which I am very excited about because this opportunity introduced me to a whole new world on my campus. For the past month, my campus partner, Nikita Piercy, and I have been getting involved with existing green initiatives on our campus while planning our own fall workshop series, along with a spring greening campaign and recycling competition.

Being a student leader isn't easy. Whom do I talk to on campus? What projects have been completed? Do we have funding for that? To add even more pressure, this movement has the ability to change the world—literally, change the world. And I am now a catalyst for that change.

Stop. Breathe. Now breathe again. Every movement has a starting point. The first step is to prepare your mind. Learn everything there is to know. Luckily, there is information everywhere about the green economy and a sustainable world. First, see how that information applies to your area or university. Second, talk to everybody. Make them aware of your purpose, describe your goal, and share your motivation. You’d be surprised at how many people "know a guy". Third, solidify those resources, and have them plan with you. Learn to listen to them. More times than not, they know what they are talking about. Let your failures motivate you to do better, and let your achievements motivate you to do the same.

And after your first workshop is complete: Stop. Breathe. Now breathe again. Every Movement has a starting point...

Cassidy Cannon
Elizabeth City State University

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