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Urgent: Act now to strengthen the clean energy bill!

Posted by Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins at Jun 18, 2009 02:06 PM |

This morning, Green For All and NRDC released a new report, "Green Prosperity: How Clean-Energy Policies Can Fight Poverty and Raise Living Standards in the United States," by the Political Economy Research Institute.

In "Green Prosperity", top economists further confirm what we already know: Investments in clean energy are good for low-income people and the U.S economy.

The report finds that through employment opportunities, lower energy bills, and lower transportation costs, clean energy investments would raise living standards for low-income Americans.

A $150 billion investment in clean energy would create 1.7 million net American jobs. That's three times more jobs than the dirty energy industry could create with the same investment.

Here's the catch: The outcomes predicted in "Green Prosperity" will only come about through strong legislation. Historically excluded communities will continue to be marginalized in the new economy unless we write inclusion into the laws from the start.

That's why I'm asking you to take action today. The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), currently in Congress, is our best chance yet to transition America to a clean energy economy. 

But ACES falls short when it comes to opportunity for low-income communities and communities of color.

Congress must strengthen the bill to ensure it includes investments in green job training and provisions that enable job access for low-income workers.

Please take action! Tell Congress to strengthen the American Clean Energy and Security Act.

If you've already taken action, spread the word. Pass this email along to 10 friends.

"Green Prosperity" concretely shows us what the right clean energy investments can do for the economy and for low-income communities.  Let's help Congress turn that vision into reality.

Thank you for taking action.

Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins
Chief Executive Officer
Green For All

P.S. Today, I wrote about the report and its implications on Anderson Cooper 360. Please read my post, comment on it, and forward it. Let's spread the findings from "Green Prosperity" far and wide.

For the latest updates on ACES, follow Green For All on twitter.

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