Urgent: Call your Senators Now!
We need your help right now, to save Obama's visionary green Recovery Plan in the U.S. Senate.
Americans widely support the Recovery Package, but the right wing is mobilizing to kill it. Your Senators are voting on the bill in the next few days.
THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE TO ACT. Please call right now:
1. Call 1-866-544-7573 - This will take you to the Congressional switchboard, toll-free. Ask for your Senators' offices. If you don't know who your two Senators are, simply tell them which state you live in.
IMPORTANT: Lines may be clogged. Please keep calling back to get through to your two Senators' offices.
2. What to say: Please pass President Obama's Recovery Plan, with $500 million in funding for the Green Jobs Act. Thank you!
3. Forward this email to 10 friends.
4. Tell us how it went: Email team@greenforall.org.
Right now, Senators' offices are counting every single call that comes in either for or against the Recovery Plan. Even if you just leave your zip code and stammer out a line of support for the act, it could have a major impact on how your Senators vote.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your quick action.
Julian Mocine-McQueen
Field Organizer
Green For All
P.S., Almost 20,000 of you have emailed your elected officials about the Recovery so far. If you haven't already, take action online.
Please ask legislators to OPPOSE "clean coal" funding
"I also urge you to ask for the removal of any funding for new coal plants in the recovery package. 'Clean coal' is a complete misnomer. Funding coal plant development harms communities and the environment - especially in the poorest communities with limited access to health care or remediation, and is something we cannot afford to fund. Fund Gree Jobs, not 'clean' coal."