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Climate and Clean Energy Legislation

On June 26, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). This is a historic, decisive attempt to move the U.S. to a clean energy economy, to both protect the environment and revitalize our economy. Green For All supports this bill, despite its flaws, for many reasons. Two of these reasons stand out. First, we need to take immediate action to repair our deteriorating atmosphere, even if that action is not as ambitious as it should be. And second, this bill takes a first step not just towards a green economy, but also towards a fair economy.

Watch what's at stake with clean-energy legislation.



American Power Act Introduced in Senate

On May 12, 2010, Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) released a discussion draft of their long-anticipated American Power Act.  Read More…

UPDATE: Senate Committee passes climate and clean-energy bill despite Republican boycott
Senate Committee passes climate and clean-energy bill despite Republican boycott

Posted by Megan Emiko Scott at Nov 05, 2009 06:20 PM |

Today, the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee passed the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, despite an attempt by Republicans on the committee to derail the process. Ten Democrats, including Chairwoman Barbara Boxer, and Senator Bernie Sanders (an Independent) signed off on the bill. The bill was reported out of Committee without support from any Republicans, who have been boycotting the mark-up process since Tuesday.

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Nearly 200 organizations send letter to Senator Boxer and EPW Committee

Green For All and a coalition of nearly 200 business, labor, civil rights, and environmental group have sent a letter to Senator Boxer and the Environment and Public Works Committee, urging them to support an amendment to create 1 million clean-energy jobs through investments in energy-efficiency. 

Learn more.
Read the Letter.

National Briefing Call - Audio Recording

On October 5, 2009, Green For All hosted a National Briefing Call on the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. 

Listen to the Call:


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National Call Image

The call addressed next steps to get the bill passed through the Environment and Public Works Committee and the full Senate, provided analysis of the draft, and discussed two specific provisions that expand opportunity and access in the clean-energy economy.

    • Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, Green For All
    • Jason Walsh, Green For All
    • Mark Ayers, AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department
    • Madeline Janis, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
    • Jessy Tolkan, Energy Action Coalition


Last year, the House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). Now the Senate is crafting its own climate and energy legislation to move America forward into the new century. Such legislation can kick-start our struggling economy, creating clean energy jobs and putting American industries at the global forefront of the burgeoning clean energy sector. 

But creating such an economic boom alone will not ensure that all Americans get to enjoy the jobs, opportunities and benefits of that boom. That is why the Senate must include in its bill two key provisions from ACES that will make the promise of this new economy real for those workers and communities struggling the most in these tough times. These provisions also ensure that employers have the pool of qualified workers they need to rebuild and repower America.

As legislation moves through the Senate, it should maximize funding for green jobs and include the strongest possible climate standards. It also must maintain the following two provisions, which are central to expanding access and opportunity in the clean-energy economy:

  1. The Green Construction Careers Demonstration Project
  2. Funding for the Green Jobs Act.

Read more about these two critical provisions.

Green For All and ACES

On June 26, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES).  This was a historic, decisive attempt to move the U.S. to a clean-energy economy, to both protect the environment and revitalize our economy.  Green For All supported this bill, despite its flaws, for many reasons.  Two of these reasons stand out. 

  • First, we need to take immediate action to repair our deteriorating atmosphere, even if that action is not as ambitious as it should be.
  • Second, this bill takes a first step not just towards a green economy, but also towards a fair economy.

Read how we came to support the American Clean Energy and Security Act. 

Read The Clean Energy Bill Story You Haven't Heard from The Huffington Post

Exact Language from the American Clean Energy and Security Act

Green Construction Careers Demonstration Project

Read the exact language from the House bill designed to build middle class careers in green construction.

Funding for the Green Jobs Act
Read the exact language from the House bill related to funding for the Green Jobs Act of 2007.


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