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Success in Portland - Innovative partnership agreement in Portland launched with Green For All's participation


Welcome to the Recovery Resource Center. Here you will find important reports, case studies, resources and tools related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("ARRA" or "Recovery Act").

Green Recovery Series

Our A Green Recovery For All pamphlet series gives practitioners, workers, policymakers, businesses, advocates and everyday Americans tools to bring the benefits of the green recovery to their communities.


Complete List of ARRA Programs (Document) from Green For All
This U.S. House of Representatives ARRA Summary document provides total federal allocation amounts and the stated purpose of all ARRA programs. (Posted 06/19/09)

Bringing Home the Green Recovery User's Guide (Document) from Green For All & PolicyLink. Green For All and PolicyLink have prepared this User’s Guide to assist local and state advocates, nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and policymakers in making the best use of recovery dollars. (Posted 05/20/09)

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Program ($3.2 billion)

Understanding the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Program (Document) – from Green For All
This document offers a basic understanding of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program and guidance on how to produce the best results possible. (Posted 10/15/09)

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant FAQs (Website) from ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability
Frequently asked questions about the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants compiled from FedConnect by ICLEI staff. Covers detailed answers to questions regarding applications, requirements, revolving loan funds, and jobs created. (Posted 05/22/09)

Bringing Recovery Funds Home: An Activist Toolkit for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants  (Document) – from the Sierra Club
A PDF that breaks down the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant in great detail.  (Posted 05/07/09)

Supporting Retrofit Projects Using EECBG Funds (Audio/Website) from the Efficiency Cities Network
On April 28, presenters discussed ARRA programs to support retrofit projects, with a focus on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program. (Posted 05/07/09)

Government Resources on EECBG:

Energy Efficiency and the Conservation Block Grant (Website) from the US Department of Energy
Main website for EECBG. Includes application information and deadlines. The $2.6 billion in formula grants are now available to U.S. states, territories, local governments and Indian tribes. (Posted 05/29/09)

EECBG Interactive Map of Grant Allocations (Website) from the US Department of Energy
Find your state or local allocation of EECBG funds under the Recovery Act here.   Interactive map of the US delineating the various states including Alaska and Hawaii. A mouse over identifies the state and clicking on any state will open a new window giving detailed information on state total, city and county allocations in an excel file format. (Posted 05/07/09)

DOE to Fund up to $454 Million for Retrofit Ramp-Ups in Energy Efficiency (Website)from the US Department of Energy
The competitive portion of the EECBG program will target innovative, community-scale, energy-efficiency building retrofit projects that make significant, long-term impacts on energy use and demonstrate a variety of sustainable business models that can be replicated across the country. DOE is now accepting applications for up to $454 million in EECBG competitive grants. The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) was first issued on October 19, 2009 and was revised (PDF 732 KB) November 20, 2009. Applications will be accepted through until December 14, 2009.  DOE is seeking innovative state, local government, and Indian tribe programs funded under the Recovery Act and will make awards in two topic areas - (1) the Retrofit Ramp-up Program and (2) the General Innovation Fund.  See also FAQs. (Posted 12/05/09)

EECBG Solution Center (Website)from the US Department of Energy
The Solution Center is the home for EECBG Program technical assistance resources and includes information about eligible activities, webcasts, application resources, and financial products.  (Posted 12/05/09)

Rapid Deployment Energy Efficiency (RDEE) Toolkit (Website) from the US EPA
This toolkit provides detailed program design and implementation guides for 10 broadly applicable energy efficiency programs. The RDEE Toolkit helps all entities choose successful programs as they advance energy efficiency program funding opportunities through ARRA. (Posted 06/20/09)

State Energy Program ($3.1 billion)

Governors' Letters of Assurance to the Secretary of Energy (Website)from the US Department of Energy
A portion of the funds from the State Energy Program are allocated by formula among the states.  To apply for a grant from the remaining funds, the Recovery Act required each Governor to write a letter to the Secretary of Energy explaining that the state will pursue policies to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy. (Posted 10/15/09)

Government Resources on SEP:

State Energy Program (Website)from the US Department of Energy
Main website for SEP. (Posted 10/15/09)

Recovery Act Funding to the States (Website)from the US Department of Energy
Find your state’s allocation from the State Energy Program under the 2009 Recovery Act, and the funding awarded to date. (Posted 10/15/09)

Weatherization Assistance Program ($5 billion)

Weatherization Assistance Program Blog (Website) from the National Association for State Community Service Programs
A one-stop-shop for the National Association for State Community Service Programs’ (NASCSP) position on matters regarding the Weatherization Assistance Program. Also includes the latest developments in funding, partnerships, administration, success stories, best practices, and other issues concerning your state, and district. (Posted 05/22/09)

Weatherization Assistance Program Economic Stimulus Expansion Plan: Discussion Paper (Document) from the Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center
This helpful article outlines the planned expansion of the Weatherization Assistance Program in the Recovery Act. It reviews the processes for expanding the WAP network, the barriers that need to be overcome to meet the Act's goal of weatherizing one million homes per year, and the legislative and procedural changes needed to expedite the transformation of the network to produce a nearly seven-fold increase in production. (Posted 05/06/09)

Find a Community Action Agency (Website) – from the Community Action Partnership
A resource to find local Community Action Agencies, which connect low-income people with information about weatherization, housing, and self-sufficiency needs. (Posted 05/06/09)

Government Resources:

Weatherization Assistance Program (Website) – from the US Department of Energy
Main website for WAP.  Includes explanation of the impact of Davis-Bacon (prevailing wage) requirements of the 2009 Recovery Act on weatherization work. (Posted 10/15/09)

Recovery Act Funding to the States (Website)from the US Department of Energy
Find your state’s allocation from the Weatherization Assistance Program under the 2009 Recovery Act, and the funding awarded to date. (Posted 10/15/09)

Weatherization Activities in the States (Website) from the US Department of Energy
Interactive website that allows you to select a state on the map or the pull-down menu for lists of DOE- and state-sponsored weatherization projects in each state. (Posted 05/07/09)

Weatherization Assistance Program Recovery Fact Sheet (Document)from the US Department of Energy
Detailed information about the Weatherization Assistance Program and changes by the Recovery Act. Includes eligibility, program changes, and allocated funding to states. (Posted 06/01/09)


Competitive Grants for Green Jobs Training ($500 million)

Applying for Pathways Out of Poverty Grants: Call Recording (Audio/Website)from Green For All
On August 19th, Green For All hosted a how-to call on applying for Pathways Out of Poverty Grants. The Recovery Act authorized $150 million for these green job training grants, which are administered by the Department of Labor. This call focuses on how public or non-profit organizations can best craft successful grant applications. (Posted 08/19/09)

Green Pathways Out of Poverty through Partnerships and Recovery: Call Recording (Audio/Website) – from Green For All
On June 4th, Green For All hosted a conference call on the topic of "Green Pathways out of Poverty." The call focused on building pathways out of poverty through green job training, partnerships, and recovery funding. In June, the U.S. Department of Labor began accepting grant proposals to distribute $500 million towards green job training programs.  On this call, presenters discuss these green jobs training grants; emphasize the importance of partnerships between community, labor, industry, higher education, and workforce systems in order for programs to become successful and to qualify for the DOL green jobs training grants; and give examples of successful partnerships among unlikely allies. (Posted 06/18/09)


Community Services Block Grants ($1 Billion)

Government Resources:

Community Services Block Grant Information Site (Website) from US Department of Health and Human Services
Detailed information, facts, figures, and dates of application for the Community Services Block Grant Recovery Act Funding. (Posted 05/07/09)


Other Programs

An Engine of Opportunity: A User’s Guide to Advocate for Transportation Equity in the 2009 American Recovery Act (Document) from PolicyLink & the Transportation Equity Network
This report provides a roadmap for advocates to ensure stimulus-funded public transportation projects bring hope and economic opportunity to millions of Americans hit “first and worst” by the economic downturn. The report shows advocates how they can push local, state, and federal leaders to make fair and just transportation investments in low-income communities and communities of color.(Posted 05/22/09)

Government Resources:

ARRA 2009: A Guide to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Local and Tribal Governments (Document) from the US EPA
This 16 page guide provides an overview of ARRA funding sources that local governments can use to implement clean energy programs, and EPA resources that can support clean energy efforts. The guide covers funding and resources for energy, energy in water treatment, schools, affordable housing, transportation, and green jobs. (Posted 06/05/09)

ARRA 2009: State and Local Guide to U.S. EPA Climate and Energy Program Resources (Document) from the US EPA
This guide has been designed to help state and local governments identify which EPA programs could be leveraged to expand or develop clean energy initiatives in their locality. It includes synopsis of 14 EPA climate and energy partnership programs. Each program description includes basic information and contact details, potential target audiences, highlights of ready to-go tools and resources, and possible actions a state or local government could take. (Posted 06/05/09)

Office of Community Services Recovery Act Funding Opportunities (Website) from the Office of Community Services
The OCS supports the more than 3,000 neighborhood-based Community Action Agencies and Community Development Corporations that address the economic and social needs of the urban and rural poor at the local level by providing grant monies and technical assistance to these organizations.  (Posted 05/19/09)

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