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Recent Press Releases

Green For All and NAACP Call for Protection from Coal Pollution May 30, 2012
African American Communities Hit Hardest by Asthma, Air Toxics
Washington, D.C. – The NAACP and Green For All are joining forces to demand strong protections against pollution from coal plants. Together, they’re calling on lawmakers to stand up for the EPA’s Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), which are under attack from the coal industry and Members of Congress.
Green for All Statement on National Science Bowl Apr 30, 2012
Green for All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins issued a statement regarding the annual National Science Bowl competition.

Recent Statements

Green For All Statement on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Improving Access to Fresh Fruits and Vegetables May 09, 2012
Today, Green For All issued the following statement on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s announcement that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has increased the number of farmers markets participating in its program. Last year, Green For All called for this policy change so that underserved communities have better access to healthy foods and that local businesses are given incentives that help build healthy communities.
Statement from Green For All on New Carbon Pollution Standard Mar 27, 2012
Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins today issued the following statement in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to cut dangerous carbon pollution from new and existing power plants.

Recent Press Clips

How Long Will We Let Them Poison Our Kids? May 31, 2012
The sun is shining here in Oakland, and you can feel summer in the air. In my neighborhood, and all across America, kids are anxiously awaiting the final ring of the school bell. But not every child is looking forward to summer. Some will be trapped indoors during the next few months, unable to play outside because of their asthma attacks. Like many kids, I had asthma growing up so I know how hard it is to be stuck inside while everyone else plays.
States Ignore Minorities in Climate-Related Disaster Plans May 22, 2012
Minority populations across the south and southwest are especially vulnerable to climate change, according to a new report put out by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. Local and state governments, it also found, are failing to integrate such concerns into their climate disaster plans.
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