Van Jones on Morning Joe
12/5/08 - Van Jones appears on the MSNBC Morning Joe program to discuss the cultivation the green collar economy.
Van Jones' Green Vision
12/2/08 Greener Buildings- "This winter's coming up; we know that energy prices might be very, very high, we have all these homes that are leaking energy, people are gonna get hit with $1,000 and $2,000 monthly energy bills that are just gonna be too high for many people..."
NPR: Van Jones Forecasts Green Job Revolution
Fix the Economy without Fixing the Environment?
11/18/08 - At a book talk for Center for American Progress, Van tells how we can invent and invest our way out of the pollution-based grey economy.
KPLU Seattle interviews Van Jones
11/14/08 Click to download MP3
With Obama in Power, What is Next?
Van Jones: Fly or Fall
11/11/08 - Van Jones speaks about the unique historical moment we find ourselves in. It is time to fly or fall. From a Green For All/KPFA co-sponsored event in Oakland.
TreeHugger Interview: Van Jones
11/6/08 - Jacob Gordon interviews Van Jones on greentech, politics, and “eco-apartheid.” (Part 2.)
If Van Jones were President
Van Jones on Democracy Now!
10/28/08 - Van Jones on “The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems." In a new book, the well-known community activist and attorney Van Jones lays out a plan for a green economy he says could help solve the nation’s economic inequality while also addressing the long-term environmental threats to our survival as a planet.
San Francisco Chronicle Podcast
10/27/08 - In this interview with Chronicle Environmental Reporter Kelly Zito, Van Jones says the problems of social inequality and environmental destruction can be solved by including middle- and lower-income people in the environmental movement through solid, well paying jobs in everything from building weatherizing to wind turbine manufacturing. (25:43 min)
Time Magazine Greencast
10/20/08 - Van Jones appears on Time Magazine's Greencast program to discuss The Green Collar Economy
Green Jobs Now
10/20/08 - Video about the National Day of Action, produced by Rock the Vote and Wiretap Magazine (7 min)
KQED's Forum
10/13/08 - Krasny speaks with Van Jones about the solutions that his book The Green Collar Economy proposes. (3 min)
Jeff Johnson's The Truth on BET
10/10/08 - Jeff Johnson and Van Jones discuss the growing presence of a green economy in the presidential campaign.
Van Jones on KRON 4 News
10/5/08 (7 min)
Pelosi and Newsom commend Jones
9/24/08 The San Francisco Foundation produced this clip to honor Van Jones, recipient of their 2008 Community Leadership Awards. (4 min)
Slow Food Nation
8/30/08 - Van speaks at the San Francisco event on "Accusing the Green Economy of Elitism."
"Oil Industry Whitewash"
9/1/08 - Ring of Fire Radio interviews Van Jones during the DNC in Denver.
hear or download mp3
Green For All President and Founder Van Jones Delivers Closing Keynote at Netroots Nation
Talking Points Memo: A Chat with Van Jones
This Brave Nation: conversation between
Van Jones and founder of Sierra Club
Ware Lecture at Unitarian Universalist
General Assembly: "Prepare to Govern"
Majora Carter and Van Jones on
WNYC's "Brian Lehrer Show"
Majora Carter hosts "The Green Op Ed" on the
Sundance Channel - June, 2008
Majora Carter hosts "The Green Op Ed" on the
Sundance Channel - 2007
Van Jones on "Chicago Tonight" - June 26th, 2008
Majora Carter in "This Brave Nation"
Van Jones on Fox News's "Your World with Neil Cavuto" - June 24th, 2008
Van Jones on Fox News's "Bulls and Bears" - June 21st, 2008
Van Jones on Fox News's "Your World with Neil Cavuto" - June 3, 2008
Van Jones on CNN's "Issue #1" - June 2, 2008
The Green Economy is Coming - April 4, 2008
Dream Reborn Video - April 2008
Van Jones on "The Colbert Report" - April 1, 2008
"Greening America"
Van Jones on ABC news, 2/2008