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Heroines for the Planet: Green For All’s Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins

By Lindsay Brown

Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green For All, is leading a movement to bring about the change our country so desperately needs. She has a bold yet simple vision for the future — one in which everyone gets to prosper while not destroying our planet. Phaedra’s mission to build an economy that offers opportunity for all people is somewhat of a personal fight. She knows first-hand what poverty feels like.

Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green For All, is leading a movement to bring about the change our country so desperately needs. She has a bold yet simple vision for the future — one in which everyone gets to prosper while not destroying our planet. Phaedra’s mission to build an economy that offers opportunity for all people is somewhat of a personal fight. She knows first-hand what poverty feels like.

Phaedra, 34, was raised by her single mother in a home near four oil refineries in California. Consequently, she suffered from asthma and allergies as a young girl. A defining moment in Phaedra’s life came during a trip to the doctor’s office, when her physician told her Mother that she was sick simply because of where they lived — in close proximity to the refineries. Moving wasn’t an option for her hard-working mother, though, and Phaedra’s mom left the doctor’s office ashamed that she couldn’t help her child.

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