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One Nation Working Together: March With Us

By Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, CEO of Green For All (Guest post on Tides Blog)
What's Possible: The Tides Blog

On October 2, something special is going to happen. Everyday Americans from all walks of life will come together to take a step past the divisiveness that has plagued our country and towards a tomorrow built on a shared vision of prosperity. It is the One Nation Working Together march, and I hope you will be a part of it. Tides is the fiscal sponsor for One Nation Working Together providing it with operational infrastructure services.

On October 2, something special is going to happen. Everyday Americans from all walks of life will come together to take a step past the divisiveness that has plagued our country and towards a tomorrow built on a shared vision of prosperity. It is the One Nation Working Together march, and I hope you will be a part of it. Tides is the fiscal sponsor for One Nation Working Together providing it with operational infrastructure services.

I will be at the march with my organization, Green For All. Our mission is to create the job opportunities that the entire country is clamoring for. We want everyone to have the chance not only to work, but to work at a well paid, high-quality job that is healthy for workers, for communities, and for the planet.

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