This Year at GFA

Green For All seeks to not just build communities that can “bounce back” from environmental disasters, but to restore these communities’ experience of the natural world—to make breathing easy as people play in local parks, to harness the sun’s rays for secure, sustainable energy, and to empower people to develop ideas that make them resilient to climate change.

Green For All is committed to gathering input from our folks and to making sure their perspective is heard and understood by our country’s leaders. We will continue to provide education on how global warming affects communities of color, and what they can do to demand an inclusive climate change policy.

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Thank you to our Green the Church Summit sponsors: 



Want to learn more about Green The Church?

Our Green the Church (GTC) campaign was created to build resilient communities that are not only prepared for the effects of climate change, but also able to mitigate its impacts through the adoption of a sustainable energy infrastructure, such as solar and energy efficiency.

Developed in partnership with Green For All Fellow Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll, Green the Church will work to empower church leadership and laypeople to develop practical solutions to economic and environmental issues in the Black community. This initiative will launch in partnership with Black churches nationwide, and will act as a testing ground for how anchor institutions in low-income communities and communities of color (religious and otherwise) can be centers for community resilience. Rev. Dr. Carroll, a well-known and respected pastor in Berkeley and GTC’s constituent organizer for Places of Worship, has been working to engage over twenty-five denominations.

Green The Church has four components:

Green The Building

  • A nationwide effort aimed at helping churches mitigate the impacts of climate change by building a sustainable energy infrastructure. The program will help churches access energy efficiency audits and solar panel installations by assisting with the navigation of financing and capital development.
  • GFA will work in partnership with the State Energy Research and Development Authority and Mosaic (a solar company) in New York, the National Religious Partnership for the Environment in the Southeast, and local energy companies in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Rev. Dr. Carroll, along with Julian Mocine McQueen, GFA’s Director for Education and Outreach, will utilize Green For All’s strong movement-based approach and online presence to encourage local church communities to go beyond solar panel installation by supporting pilot storm water collection and recycling programs.
  • This program will have a strong educational component: Congregants will begin to understand more complex topics of carbon emissions through an initial engagement with a church solar installation. We will support these newly engaged congregants to become more involved in advocacy, thus supporting the bridge between “the people” and “experts.”
  • These efforts not only show a commitment to ecological justice but also will assist many struggling congregations in reducing their financial burdens with an affordable renewable energy infrastructure.

Develop Creation Stewardship

  • We will work with leading theologians and seminaries to develop culturally relevant theological resources for environmental teachings that will explain the church’s moral obligation to have a part in the work of environmental justice in the world.
  • Partnerships will include, but are not exclusive to, the Vanderbilt Seminary, Union Theological Seminary, and the American Seminary of the West.
  • Educational tools will include sermon outlines, theologically relevant resources, toolkits on developing green committees, and easy to implement green tips for churches and it’s congregants to consider.

Establish Centers for Resilience

  • Churches have long served as refuges for congregants to when their homes, lives, or livelihoods are at risk. We will work with church leaders from around the country to better understand the role of the church as a hub and shelter from disaster.
  • We will identify churches in communities of greatest risk of the immediate impacts of climate change and have them designated as Disaster Relief Centers.
  • We will work with leaders and churches to develop best practices, identify shared services, energy alternatives, and case management structure to assist with housing, food, and communication needs.

Foster Thought Leadership

  • Identify key church leaders from across the country who are able to speak to the importance of “creation stewardship” and community resilience.
  • Convene these leaders each year to share best practices, theological understandings and learnings that can be shared broadly.
  • Train a group of faith leaders who can speak on behalf of our folks at conferences, with decision makers, and in the media about the work it will take to truly develop sustainable resiliency.

Back to School Campaign

Enroll here.

As part of our inaugural Back to School Campaign this fall, Green For All will offer a series of dynamic and engaging educational gatherings based on our organizational focus areas. We will utilize online platforms to host interactive webinars, podcasts, Google+ hangouts, and more. These seminars will provide top-notch information and access to issue experts, and will act as an entry point of engagement for our base.

The virtual events will highlight our core issues and focus on skills building in order to lift up the voices of leaders and experts at all levels, and engage our base in a dynamic conversation about solutions. We will engage local experts and organizers, as well as national civil rights partners.

Resilience Track (launching September 2014)
• Resilience 101
• What is the CEQ report and what can you expect from it?
• How to access funds that are coming out of CEQ recommendations
• How to engage your community around resiliency

Green The Church (launching November 2014)
• The Bible and the Earth 101
• How to become more sustainable and why it’s important
• Greening your church from the roof down
• Resilience and your church

In addition to monthly broad-interest events, we will utilize targeted surveys and one-on-one conversations to identify and organize additional offerings based on deeper dive efforts, affinity groups, and the shared interests of our base. These deeper dives will advance our efforts to support the interconnection of our base.

Our Summer Tour

Click here to RSVP for our Summer Tour

Green For All will partner with Climate Action Campaign on a series of community-based events in key cities throughout the country between August and September.

These events will highlight the issue of climate change in communities of color and garner support for the EPA’s proposed carbon emissions standards, Rule 111D. The events will be held in partnership with local leaders who have strong, engaged bases in communities of color.

We would love for you to join us! Drop us an email at to find out how you can be a part of our Summer Tour.

Tucson, AZ – September 16
Fellow Luis Perales and Tierra Y Libertad Organization (TYLO)
Event Scope: We will partner with TYLO and other local partner organizations on a community education event tying the issues of the urban Latino community and energy cost issues with that of the Indigenous community bearing the brunt of the extractive economy on Native lands. The event will feature local leaders and opportunities for people to take action in the Tucson community.
Greensboro, NC – September 7
Fellow Jada Drew
Event Scope: A community engagement day focusing on issues ranging from coal alternatives to food justice and availability issues in Greensboro. The event will be geared toward families and young people. It will feature local entertainment and highlight partner organizations that participants can take action with.
New Orleans, LA – August 30
Fellow John Moore and the Louisiana Bucket Brigade
Event scope: The Louisiana Bucket Brigade is an environmental justice organization that works on air quality issues in low-income communities throughout the state. The event will be held in a predominantly Black community in New Orleans and will feature food and entertainment, as well as an opportunity for community members to participate in air quality testing related to a coal burning power plant in the area.


Bronx, NY – August 2, 2014
Partners: Fellow Tanya Fields and the BLK ProjeK
As the first stop of our Summer/Fall Community Action Tour, Green For all joined forces with Green For All Fellow Tanya Fields and her organization The Blk Projek to hold the second annual "Not Just Talk Summit." This years theme was "Radical Women creating Resilient Communities, and it featured some truly amazing participants. Held on Saturday August 2nd in the South Bronx, the day featured keynotes from powerful Women speakers like Executive Director of Uprose Elizabeth Yeampierre, Green For All Fellow and Indigenous activist Beata Tsosie Pena and musician and artivist Jennifer Johns, as well as the director of the NYC Food and Fitness Partnership Dara Cooper. In addition to powerful music and keynote presentations, the day featured a number of workshops and a full brunch provided by The day culminated with the unveiling and ribbon cutting of the Blk Projek's Solar Powered mobile food market, powered by Green Mountain Energy. Green For All was the lead sponsor for this event and was able to garner support for the EPA's carbon rule engaging the over 100 attendees throughout the day to sign comment cards. All in All it was a brilliant kick off to our Summer/Fall tour.

Green For All worked in concert with the Climate Action Campaign, The Sierra Club’s Minnesota Environmental Justice group, and other co-sponsors to host a Climate Justice Now Community Forum in Minneapolis, MN on May 15, 2014. During the forum, Nikki Silvestri highlighted how combatting climate change can be a pathway to achieving healthy and safe communities and economic prosperity for Minnesota’s communities of color. Minnesota Public Radio News previewed the event, while outlets like Insight News, a Minneapolis newspaper serving the African American community, as well as Twin Cities Daily Planet covered the forum. A lively crowd of more than 200 people turned out for the event, which brought together local and national leaders who care about how communities of color, indigenous communities and low income families are disproportionally affected by climate change and air pollution.
On June 14th, Team Green For All partnered with the Denver Juneteenth Music Festival to present Juneteenth’s first “Keep it Fresh Zone,” featuring full-day activities including a local farmers market, giveaways, raw food demos, live DJs, hip-hop performances, and interactive exhibits. The activities led up to the main event: the Keep It Fresh Awards, which recognized local and national community activists who are leading efforts to make sure that fresh air, fresh water, fresh food, a healthy body, and a fresh way of thinking are not a privilege, but a right for everyone. Silvestri presented the Keep It Fresh Awards along with GFA Fellow DJ Cavem Moetavation and Grammy-nominated duo Les Nubians. The Denver Post, KGNU, and KUVO previewed the event.