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Power Shift 2009

Green For All's slideshow of photos taken from Powershift 2009. Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Power Shift is the largest youth-centered conference on green jobs, environmental justice, clean energy solutions, ecological justice, and environmental equity of 2009.

Over 10,000 young leaders  gathered in the Nation's capital to strengthen the youth movement for climate and economic solutions, by sharing skills, building bonds, and setting clear plans for action in our communities.

And on March 2nd, thousands of youth flooded the halls of Congress to meet face to face with their representatives, and ask for their bold leadership on green jobs and a clean, just energy future.

Why the need?

Our planet and our people are in crisis. We need green jobs and a power shift to a cleaner, more equitable, greener future where all people can live in healthy communities while saving our natural resources at the same time.

Power Shift '09  calls for political action, community involvement, and a large-scale consciousness elevation around issues of the environment and economic, racial, reproductive, and climate justice.

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