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A Short Guide to Setting Up a City Scale Retrofit Program

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This guide by Green For All and COWS provides a model for designing and implementing weatherization and retrofitting programs on a citywide scale, with a goal of making such retrofits available to all and realize their potential to address climate change, put people to work, and reduce our energy bills.

A Short Guide to Setting Up a City Scale Retrofit Program

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Buildings represent 38.9% of U.S. primary energy use and 38% of all CO2 emissions in the U.S. Though simple, relatively low-cost measures such as  insulation, and lighting upgrades can be done in almost every building to reduce energy use and save money on utility bills, current retrofitting program capacity is limited. Most existing programs are either available only to income-eligible individuals or those with the money up-front to do the work.  Furthermore, many current retrofitting programs only create low-wage, short-term jobs rather than providing pathways into sustainable careers in construction and green building. 

Clearly, a new model is needed. This guide by Green For All and the Center on Wisconsin Strategy provides a model for designing and implementing weatherization and retrofitting programs on a citywide scale, with a goal of making such retrofits available to all and realize their potential to address climate change, put people to work, and reduce our energy bills.

In addition to reading this guide, we encourage your to connect with the network of peers we have formed to share best practices on these issues by joining our Retrofit America's Cities Community of Practice.

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