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The Block Rockers Toolkit

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The Block Rockers toolkit is here to provide you with videos, workshops and general resources take action in your community TODAY! Whether you want to start your own garden, make your campus more sustainable, or educate your neighbors and friends, the Block Rockers toolkit has resources to help.

The Block Rockers Toolkit

For slappin beats and dope lyrics, this is your invitation to The Green Room -- the only mixtape featuring today's hottest artists talking about the issues that effect our communities: 

The Green Room Mixtape brought to you by Green For All and the League of Young Voters Education Fund on Earth Day 2012 carries a message as strong as the beats and we wanted to make sure you can take action while you listen in! You've got the tape, now get the tools to help you rock your block. The Block Rockers toolkit [download] is here to provide you with videos, workshops and general resources take action in your community TODAY! Whether you want to start your own garden, make your campus more sustainable, or educate your neighbors and friends, the Block Rockers toolkit has resources to help. Check it out below!


1. "What the bleep is the Green economy?" video and Facilitator's Guide: This video is an educational and motivational look at what a green economy means, and how you can be a part of it. We look at different areas like energy efficiency, water infrastructure, urban agriculture among others. Use it to hold a conversation with your friends and find out how you can be a part of the solution. Download the Facilitator's Guide »

2. Community Gardens: How To: Build a real green room, a garden, right on your block! With this guide you'll learn exactly how you can take a little room, a few friends, and some dedication and turn it into a real live garden for the whole community to enjoy. Dig in the dirt and let it grow! Download Community Gardens: How To »

3. Easy Ways to Go Green: You hear it all the time, "it starts with the individual." Well it's true and this guide will help you identify simple things you can do to green your life and help others do the same. It all starts here!  Download Easy Ways to Go Green »

4. Bridging the Economic and Climate Gap: a Workshop: Ever feel like the economy is not working for you and your folks? Well, this workshop will help illustrate the reality of the economic and climate gaps and how they are related. Use this guide (with discussion questions and sample answers) to organize a workshop for your friends, family, and neighbors.  Download Bridging the Economic and Climate Gap: a Workshop »

5. Green Your Dorm: Ah yes, the dorm room...home away from home for so many! But is your dorm room a green room? Make sure it is with these ideas on how to live the college life as green as possible. Download Green Your Dorm »

6. Host a Green House Party: Use this guide to lead a casual conversation about solutions fro your community. You never know what solutions you might come up with. Download Host a Green House Party »

7. The New Wave Workshop: One of the few things we all share is water! What's happening in your community around water issues? This is a highly participatory workshop designed for a diverse set of participants explores our relationship to water, as well as the causes and consequences of the current water crisis, and to collectively generate an action plan to ensure fresh water is available for generations to come. Download The New Wave Workshop »


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