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What We Do

Green For All builds new coalitions that leverage public and private investment to create quality green jobs.  Good, green jobs alleviate poverty, strengthen the middle class and restore the environment in target geographies across the U.S.

We aim, in partnership with our allies, to build a green economy and sustain an infrastructure that closes the gaps in income, wealth, health, security and opportunity across the U.S.  And Green For All plays a leading role in building a popular movement for a strong, fair, green economy.

This work covers a broad spectrum and takes many forms.  On any given day, we might be pulling together workforce development agencies, developing business tools for small green enterprises, training young community leaders to be world-class spokespersons for the clean energy economy, and advocating on Capitol Hill for green job training for vulnerable communities -- or something else entirely.

As varied as our work is, it all flows from three primary tasks we have set for ourselves:  policy development, capacity building and movement building.


Green For All develops and advocates for innovative policies that 1) promote the green-collar economy to solve our greatest problems (the economic recovery and environmental crisis), and 2) enable governments to enact policy at the federal, state and local levels that creates new, quality green jobs and invests in green industries.


Green For All helps develop and strengthen an infrastructure across business, government, labor, non-profit organizations and grassroots communities that will sustain a green-collar economy and create millions of new, quality green jobs.  We also cultivate individual leaders to take full advantage of that infrastructure to bring real change to people’s lives.


Green For All enables, engages and equips a diverse and unlikely national network of leaders, organizations, coalitions and communities to build awareness and increase demand for policies and infrastructure that create new, quality green jobs and invest in green industries.

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