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BREAKING: Innovative partnership agreement in Portland guarantees expanded job opportunity and standards for thousands of clean-energy jobs

Posted by Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins at Oct 01, 2009 12:30 PM |

Yesterday, the Portland City Council endorsed a groundbreaking Community Workforce Agreement that will lead to the creation of thousands of good jobs in the clean-energy economy for low-income workers. Green For All is proud to have partnered with the City of Portland to craft this landmark agreement, which serves as a model for the nation.

BREAKING: Innovative partnership agreement in Portland guarantees expanded job opportunity and standards for thousands of clean-energy jobs

Oregon Tradewomen Inc is one of the partners of the innovative Community Workforce Agreement

Yesterday, the Portland City Council endorsed a groundbreaking Community Workforce Agreement that will lead to the creation of thousands of good jobs in the clean-energy economy for low-income workers.

Green For All is proud to have partnered with the City of Portland to craft this landmark Agreement, which serves as a model for the nation. 

Watch our video about this success:

Download the Agreement and other resources here.

The unprecedented Agreement calls for creating contracting, subcontracting, training and employment policies that will ensure high-quality work, safe conditions for workers, and strategies for establishing career pathways for low-income and other historically underserved populations.

These standards and community benefits, which were created through a partnership of public, private, nonprofit, community, and labor organizations, apply to a home energy retrofit project called Clean Energy Works Portland.

This project leverages federal recovery dollars to reduce carbon emissions, lower utility bills, and create jobs. It is one of the nation's leading models for how to use Recovery Act funds not just to stimulate short-term economic activity, but to lay the foundation for long-term economic, environmental and community health.

Portland Mayor Sam Adams spoke of the partnership with Green For All,

“In partnership with Green For All, we have the ability to promote social equity in a measurable way, providing an opportunity for under-employed youth and adults to gain career training in the sustainable building industry, and ensure that Portland stays at the forefront of the green economy.”

Green For All is honored to partner with the City of Portland to build a more diverse and robust local clean-energy economy ripe with broad access and opportunity.

Read more.

Download the Agreement and other Resources.

Check out the photos from the City Council vote:






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