Working With Washington
- The Green Jobs Act
- The Green Jobs Act of 2007 authorized $125 million per year from the federal government to create an Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Worker Training Program. The Green Jobs Act is an initial pilot program to identify needed skills, develop training programs, and train workers for jobs in a range of green industries. It targets a broad range of populations for eligibility, but has a special focus on creating “green pathways out of poverty.” Congress has not yet appropriated the $125M for the Green Jobs Act. Green For All and its partners are advocating for full funding of the Green Jobs Act.
- American Clean Energy and Security Act
- On June 26, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). This is a historic, decisive attempt to move the U.S. to a clean energy economy, to both protect the environment and revitalize our economy. Green For All supports this bill, despite its flaws, for many reasons. Two of these reasons stand out. First, we need to take immediate action to repair our deteriorating atmosphere, even if that action is not as ambitious as it should be. And second, this bill takes a first step not just towards a green economy, but also towards a fair economy.
- Senate Letter
- CEA letter to Senators with recommendations for equitable climate policy.
- The Home Star Initiative
- Home Star is a fast-acting, short-term, job creation program that will drive new private investment into the hard hit construction and manufacturing sectors, while saving consumers money on their energy bills and providing up to $8,000 in rebates for home weatherization.