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BALLE - Conference 2012: Building Resilient Communities

BALLE - Conference 2012: Building Resilient Communities

Posted by Khary Dvorak-Ewell at May 24, 2012 01:15 PM |

I just returned from Grand Rapids, Michigan, where BALLE, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, held their 2012 conference. The conference focused on developing resilient local economies and co-operative (worker-owned) business models.

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States Ignore Minorities in Climate-Related Disaster Plans

States Ignore Minorities in Climate-Related Disaster Plans

Posted by New America Media at May 24, 2012 05:59 AM |

Minority populations across the south and southwest are especially vulnerable to climate change, according to a new report put out by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. Local and state governments, it also found, are failing to integrate such concerns into their climate disaster plans.

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Going Green at Wilberforce University

Going Green at Wilberforce University

Posted by Na’Asiaha Simon at May 22, 2012 12:19 PM |

As a Green For All College Ambassador at Wilberforce University, educating and informing my peers about the Green Movement and getting them active was a test in itself. As a graduating senior and communication major, going green was neither my first thought nor interest. But today, as I reflect on this semester and how my life has changed as a Green For All College Ambassador, it brings tears to my eyes.

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Bet on a Brown and Green America

Bet on a Brown and Green America

Posted by Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins at May 21, 2012 12:10 PM |

Your Take: A sustainability expert says our future is tied to people of color and clean energy.

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Nourishing Young Minds and Bodies

Nourishing Young Minds and Bodies

Posted by Yeama Sow at May 14, 2012 03:30 PM |

Read. Eat. These are two simple words with deep implications for community development. Read relates to the need to feed the mind, and eat, the need to nourish the body. When I designed the Read and Eat Program, I had no idea it would have such far-reaching effects on community development. It began one day in October when I was walking around the Farmers Market here in Nashville. I was thinking about how we could reach out to and have an impact on the African-American community through food. This was a result of a conversation with my EarthMatters partners and Green For All.

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Green For All was MY Beginning

Green For All was MY Beginning

Posted by Jada Drew at May 14, 2012 02:30 PM |

Green For All was MY Beginning M- MOMENTS that absolutely changed my life! Y-YEARNING social justice in every possible form! The BEginning of a new paradigm began the moment I met Mr. Van Jones...

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Meet A Climate Rider: Kendall Dorman, Principal, Wiebenson-Dorman Architects, PC

Meet A Climate Rider: Kendall Dorman, Principal, Wiebenson-Dorman Architects, PC

Posted by Cheryl Derricotte, AICP and Kristina Johnson at May 10, 2012 12:00 PM |

On May 19, architect Kendall Dorman will launch a 300-mile bike ride in an effort to raise awareness about climate change and support Green For All’s work to protect our air and water while lifting Americans out of poverty.

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View From the Boardroom: Why I'm feeling more hopeful than ever

View From the Boardroom: Why I'm feeling more hopeful than ever

Posted by Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins at May 10, 2012 12:00 AM |

At first glance, it may not be looking too good for those of us who are trying to save the planet and put people to work. Pollution from cars, coal plants, and toxic industry is poisoning us more than ever before. Already, global warming is taking a toll on the world’s most vulnerable people. Across the globe, economies are faltering, and here in America, the unemployment rate is still painfully high. Meanwhile, groups like the Heritage Foundation are attacking the green economy with new vigor. And yet, I’m feeling more hopeful than ever.

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Huge Victory for Families, Local Farmers

Huge Victory for Families, Local Farmers

Posted by Maritessa Bravo Ares at May 09, 2012 03:50 PM |

We were thrilled to hear that the Obama administration will be expanding access to fresh healthy food for low-income families. Last fall, thousands of you joined us in calling on the administration to boost local economies and support American farmers. And we did it!

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This Mother's Day, Let's Be '7 Billion Strong'

This Mother's Day, Let's Be '7 Billion Strong'

Posted by Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins at May 09, 2012 03:50 PM |

This Mother's Day is a very special one for me. I'm expecting my first child in just a few weeks. It's a time filled with anticipation and hope. But most of all, this new addition to my family and my life has given even more urgency to our effort to create an inclusive green economy.

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