The Green Room Mixtape: Your Earth Day Soundtrack
Wondering what the soundtrack to your Earth Day is going to be this year? Well don't worry, we've got you covered. We are thrilled to announce the release of the only "green" mixtape to drop this Earth Day!
Wondering what the soundtrack to your Earth Day is going to be this year? Well don't worry, we've got you covered. We are thrilled to announce the release of the only "green" mixtape to drop this Earth Day! Green For All, in partnership with our friends at the League of Young Voters present The Green Room Mixtape hosted by DJ Willie Shakes, featuring some of today's hottest hip hop acts including Kendrick Lamar, BJ the Chicago Kid, Dee 1, Rebel Diaz, BRWN BFLO, DJ CAVEM and many more. The music represents communities from across the US, but they all share one thing...the music is slappin!</p> <p>Download the Mixtape now at <a class=">The Green Room Mixtape
The Green Room is what every community needs to thrive. The Green Room stands for city parks in place of concrete, local grocery chains providing real food for neighborhoods, the space for all people to breathe, live, and build community. And the Green Room is where we invest in new artists and visionaries so they can do their thing.

Download the mix tape today for free and check out the "Block Rockers toolkit" that goes with it. The toolkit is full of resources and tools for you to take personal action and get your whole block rockin' to a new beat, down a greener path.
Get the mixtape free today! All you have to do is tweet it to the world, and who doesn't want to tell their friends about the freshest tape out right now?
It's official, you've entered the Green Room... and the best part is that you can rock this mixtape year around as we build a greener and more prosperous future every day.