Sasha Brown

Minneapolis, MN - Sasha’s exposure to issues of environmental equity and racial justice began at an extremely young age as she spent most of her early life immersed in both the American Indian Movement and the growing environmental justice movement. She grew up deeply concerned about issues such as nuclear waste storage on Indigenous lands and by the time she entered elementary school, she was struggling (unsuccessfully) to engage her peers around these issues. Sasha grew up living in a subsidized housing cooperative in South Minneapolis with her mother, an environmental activist. Her dad is Dakota from the Santee Sioux Reservation in Nebraska, where he now lives and despite his abject poverty, is still fighting for social and economic equality for Indigenous peoples. She was lucky to receive full scholarships to a college prep high school and private college in Minnesota, where she continued her own learning and engagement around racial justice and environmental protection. Sasha graduated with a BA in Sociology/Anthropology from Carleton College in 2009. She has interned and volunteered with a number of non-profit organizations, including Honor the Earth and the Sierra Club, and has been active in her own community, specifically on issues of food justice. She is excited to have the support and network offered by Green for All as she continues her journey to make a difference in this world.

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