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Summer School: A Green Awakening

Posted by Nadine C. Wallace, College Ambassador, Dillard University at Jul 12, 2011 11:45 AM |

When I first applied to the Green For All College Ambassador program, I did not really know much about it. Honestly, it was my first time ever hearing about Green For All, and when I went to check out its website, the organization's mission statement barely registered with me. My goal was simply to build my resume, earn some cash, and learn a little about what it meant to be an "environmentalist". To my surprise, however, over the course of my Ambassadorship, my priorities would shift to become less self-seeking, and more focused on greater goals.

Summer School: A Green Awakening

Green For All Summer School 2011, Profile 2
Nadine Wallace, College Ambassador, Dillard University

When I first applied to the Green For All College Ambassador program, I did not really know much about it. Honestly, it was my first time ever hearing about Green For All, and when I went to check out its website, the organization's mission statement barely registered with me. My goal was simply to build my resume, earn some cash, and learn a little about what it meant to be an "environmentalist". To my surprise, however, over the course of my Ambassadorship, my priorities would shift to become less self-seeking, and more focused on greater goals.

At our first official Ambassador Training in October of 2010, I learned immediately that my involvement with Green For All would not consist of an ode to tree hugging, but that there existed a greater, common goal that so many people of various backgrounds wanted to see realized: environmental equality for all. And though I did not understand what environmental equality and justice were at the time, or what an inclusive green economy meant, I could see that this program was something that would positively influence my paradigm of the world around me. This program would teach me to be more analytical of my own carbon footprint on Earth, and that I could help others be more aware of their carbon footprints as well.

Nadine Wallance (center) at the Ambassador Training

As a Green For All Ambassador at Dillard University, I learned much about why it is important for our society to develop a green economy. To have a green economy means to have an economy that gives its citizens basic human rights: rights to clean air, affordable housing, adequate health care, and Green Jobs, jobs that provide employees with livable working wages and benefits, while keeping the environment in mind at the same time.

My experience with Green For All has allowed my eyes to be opened to a side of life that I never knew existed. From being able to work directly with the Deep South Center of Environmental Justice, to working with Pam Broom in order to coordinate an on-campus greenhouse garden, life as a green ambassador was great and rewarding, to say the least. The stipend at the end of every month did not hurt either. Hats off to all of those who diligently worked to make our first year experience memorable and totally awesome!

Nadine Wallace

Nadine Wallace is a Junior at Dillard University; she is a Biology Major with Minors in Chemistry and Spanish. Nadine is a scholar-athlete, member of the Phi Eta Sigma Honors Program, and a future LAMP Program scholar.

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Lesson 1: Welcome Back to School

Lesson 2: What the bleep is the Green Economy?

Lesson 3: Why is Water Important?

Lesson 4: Roots of Success for ALL

Lesson 5: Knowing is not enough


Profile 1: Meet the College Ambassadors

Profile 2: A Green Awakening

Profile 3: A Beautiful Struggle

Profile 4: Going Hard, Going Green

Profile 5: It's over already? What a year!

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