Media Press Clips

BET – Commentary: When Bouncing Back Isn’t Enough

By Green For All | November 25th, 2013
The one-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy last month spurred renewed conversation about making communities more resilient in the face of extreme weather and disasters.


E&E – Pair of Dems try again on ‘green infrastructure’ stormwater bill

By Green For All | November 15th, 2013
With U.S. EPA's work on a national stormwater regulation stalled, a pair of congressional Democrats are trying again to move a bill aimed at spurring innovative solutions to one of the country's largest water pollution problems.


The Hill – Attacks on EPA are attacks on health, safety

By Green For All | November 13th, 2013
For me, clean air isn’t an abstract concept. I grew up in a polluted town and struggled with childhood asthma. I know what it means to be forced to breathe dirty air.


Triple Pundit – Obama Issues New Executive Order on Climate Change

By Green For All | November 4th, 2013
The timing is significant. Just a few days after the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, when President Obama stood among the rubble and vowed to do something about climate change, he issued an Executive Order designed to encourage Americans to incorporate climate change awareness into their activities and plans.


MadameNoire – HBCUs Get Eco-Friendly With Green For All

By Green For All | October 30th, 2013
Green is in. Several Historically Black Colleges and Universities are working with the environmental education organization Green For All’s “College Ambassadors” program to improve the environment at their schools and to foster a green economy.

