Newsletter- Updates from CAP and Interviews with Green Business Experts! (29Jul10)

Updates from CAP and Interviews with Green Business Experts!
We at Green For All are excited about the release of our 2nd Capital Access Program (CAP) Newsletter, which aims to provide readers with information about policy, business, and entrepreneurship in the green economy.

This issue includes exciting opportunities from CAP, a federal policy update, a profile of a successful green entrepreneur, and an interview with a green business expert.

1. Updates from the CAP Team

Meet the new CAP staff members, read about our Coaching Program, and find out more information about the Green Jobs Award.

2. Policy Update: Senate Passes the Small Business Jobs Act

Since the passage the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Obama Administration has worked to increase the amount of credit available to small businesses. On September 27, 2010, President Obama continued this legacy by signing the Small Business Jobs Act.

3. Interview with Green Entrepreneur: Stacey J. Danner, Sustainable Environmental Enterprises

As we reflect on the 5th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the Capital Access Program speaks to Stacey Danner, President of Sustainable Environmental Enterprises, Inc. (SEE), a renewable energy finance company: “It’s a challenge… you wake up everyday and you love what you do because it’s mission driven, truly.”

4. Interview with Green Business Expert: Jose Corona, Inner City Advisors

We speak with Jose Corona, Executive Director of Inner City Advisors, about how his company supports small business growth in low-income communities, and the state of finance today: “I’ve been really disappointed with the banking system recently. It’s become a lot of rhetoric, it’s getting harder and harder to see the money invested trickling down to the community level. ”
We hope that you find this information useful in your efforts to build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty.

The Capital Access Program’s mission is to mobilize financial and social capital to help create, sustain, and scale green jobs in the U.S. Learn more and sign-up here.

Ana Cajina,
Sr. Associate, Capital Access Program
